Rebuilding The Lives
Of Postal Families
Since 1990
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    Charitable Organization Belonging to All Postal Employees and Retirees
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Q: I am a current CFC donor and would like to continue my pledge into the next year. Do I have to complete a new pledge form?
A: Yes. CFC payroll deduction allotments cover the first pay period that begins in the calendar year and ends with the last pay period that begins in that same year. Charities that participate in the CFC must submit annual applications demonstrating continued compliance with the CFC regulations. Due to changes in charity participation, donors must complete a new pledge form each year to indicate the charities to which they wish to designate a contribution.
Q: Can I contribute to PERF by payroll deduction at any time during the year?
A: No, only during the official CFC Open Season, as designated by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for payroll deduction. Click on “Donate to PERF” if you want to make a cash donation now.
Q: Who are the major contributors to PERF?
A: The United States Postal Service federal employees are the major contributors.
Q: I am a “Keyworker” and/or assist in my area’s local postal CFC’s kick-offs. How can I make contact to request material about PERF?
A: Please telephone our Voice Message System 202-408-1869 or send an email directly to
Q: How can I find out when my area is planning the CFC kick-off? I would like to participate.
A: Contact your USPS District Human Resources Office.
Q: How does the Application Process work?
A: Your application request will be investigated and reviewed. This process will probably take several months. Please be sure to submit all required documentation along with your application.
Q: My geographical area just suffered a natural disaster and I would like to send a financial donation. Can I designate to this disaster?
A: Yes. However, ALL contributions received are distributed to all applicants who qualify and meet the required Eligibility Criteria as set by the PERF Executive Committee for all disasters.
Q: I am currently experiencing financial difficulties for various reasons. Can I apply for a grant?
A: No. PERF was established and exist to help active and retired postal employees whose “primary residence” are completely destroyed or left uninhabitable because of a major natural disaster or an isolated house fire.
Q: I have gently used postal uniforms. Can I donate them to PERF?
A: No. You should contact your Local Union or Craft Organization.
Contact PERF:

Postal Employees' Relief Fund
P.O. Box 41220
Fredericksburg, VA 22404-1220